What does science say about life after death?
Believing that there is life after death makes you more open to taking chances and living life to the max. Read my piece for Reader's...

Why I wanted to write Hope...And The Hedgehog
My interview with Table Read about the motivations behind my new book and the challenges I faced writing it.

How to channel your inner 'authorpreneur'
Self publishing your own book is hard work - but it means you are free to write about what you really care about: My piece for Writer's...

An interview with Talk Radio's Giles Brown
"David Attenborough has famously said that nature wastes nothing. If this is true, what happens to the intelligence accrued in human’s...

How & Why Author Tom Vaughan Is Helping To Change Our World
To mark the launch of my new book, Hope...And The Hedgehog I speak to Authority Magazine about books, business and five things I wish...

A little bit of Vaughan heritage
My great, great uncle, Cardinal Herbert Vaughan, achieved many things in his life, perhaps the pinnacle of which was his building of...

My guide to New Hampshire
New Hampshire is the secret, hidden gem, of the three uppermost New England States. Everyone knows Vermont and Maine while few people...

Midweek with Libby Purves on BBC Radio 4
Libby Purves meets actor Bonnie Langford; Nick Wisdom, son of Norman; Tom Vaughan, co-founder of Juliana's Discotheque; Dr Aaron Rosen...
Six tips for Entrepreneurs
While being a successful entrepreneur requires a number of different skills, there are one or two - often overlooked ones - that stand...

My six top tips for writing
1. Don’t procrastinate! You’ve heard it before, but it’s so true. Discipline yourself to sit down and write - whether you feel like it or...